An immersive herbal series centered in the heart of the feminine life cycle

Weekend Four: Birth + Postpartum
Weekend Four: Birth + Postpartum
Rituals for Childbirth
Reclaiming Birth as a Community!
Herbs For Pregnancy, Labor + Postpartum
Nutrition for Pregnancy, Labor + Postpartum
Tips to become a valuable birth partner
Intentional Herbal Baths
Herbal Take Homes
Herbal Tea + Bath Blends!
Full series! Reserve your space and receive $200 off, when you buy the full WOVEN series together. This includes all four weekends of deep dives into herbs, rituals, and immersive education for Women’s Wellness.
Classes run Saturday + Sunday, 10am-5pm
Is there a particular weekend that sparks your curiosity?
Reserve per weekend! Limited Availability
Classes run Saturday + Sunday, 10am-5pm

Weekend Three: Vitality + Fertility!
Weekend Three: Vitality + Fertility!
Preparing Your Vessel
Conscious Conception Education
Herbs for Vitality + Fertility
Nutrition for Vitality + Fertility
Tools for clearing your Womb
Yoni Steaming for Womb Healing
Entering the Cosmic Womb - Sweat Lodge
Herbal Take Homes
Maca Honey Vitality Balls
Aphrodisiac Love Potion

Weekend Two: Herbal Womb Healing
Weekend Two: Herbal Womb Healing
(Builds on Weekend One)
Energetics of the Womb
Herbs for Addressing Common Concerns
UTIS, BV, Herpes, Yeast, Pelvic Pain, Etc.
Gut Health in relation to Womb Health
Self Womb Massage
Yoni Steaming for Womb Healing
Herbal Birth Control
Protecting your Womb
Herbal Take Homes
Yoni Steam Blend!

Weekend One: Cycles of Womanhood
Weekend One: Cycles of Womanhood
Menstruation to Menopause
Herbs For Balancing your Cycle
Basics of Herbal Preparations
Rituals and Herbs for Cyclic Living
Interpreting your own cycle
Nutrition for each phase
Tips for Balancing your Cycle
Transitioning off Birth Control
Herbal Take Homes
Make your own womb tea
Make your own infused herbal womb oil